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Element & Torus Mandalas

In Oct 2021 i created my biggest wall mural at Akasha Yoga & Wellbeing Studio!!

It was an amazing experience - to practice my passion and craft that i love, in a studio space which immersed you in positive vibrations, it was a surreal and blessed time.

I CREATE MANDALAS WITH MEANING - so i wanted you provide you more information about the 2 feature Mandalas in this mural. I am fascinated in the ways we can use artwork to create connection, reminding people of our immense interconnectivity with our earth, with each other and our whole universe.

Amanda brings the teachings of the Elements into her classes and celebrates them throughout the year - Akasha, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Knowledge of the five elements allows the yogi to understand the laws of nature and to use yoga to attain greater health, power, knowledge and happiness.

These elements instantly sparked inspiration for the largest mandala centre piece for this creation;


Earth Element (Prithvi)

1st root chakra - sense of stability and support - invite us to be calm, grounded and feel safe

This element is cool, heavy, rough, and stable. represents our bodies. When out of balance, issues with our skin, hair, muscles, and bones may crop up. We may also experience exhaustion, weakness, lack of flexibility or loss of appetite. Reconnecting to the earth element is more about doing less than adding more. Simplifying, letting go, and getting back to our most primal selves can serve as a way to feel grounded and earthed again. Walk barefoot - 'grounding', ‘forest bathing’ or ‘nature therapy’, and can be deeply restorative for the nervous system. In Yoga connect to your ASANA- (seat), practice Sama-Vritti breathing (same-length) and Japa meditation with the Bija mantra 'Lam'. These and many other techniques often leads to greater mind-body health.

Water Element (Jal)

2nd sacral chakra - sense of pleasure and flow - invites us to be flexible, fun & creative

Water is soothing, cleansing, sustaining, and nourishing. The water element helps us connect to our feelings and emotions. Water imbalances can manifest in shifts in the quality and amount of fluids in the body, including saliva, digestive juices, joint fluid, reproductive fluids, and blood. Mentally, an out-of-balance water element is associated with addiction, repressed emotions, or a lack of creativity. Listening to the soothing sounds of water, Visualising water flowing freely or practicing Ujjai (ocean breath) can cultivate relaxation and inspire balance and healing for this element


Fire Element (Agni)

3rd solar plexus chakra —sense of self, purpose, personal identity - inspires confidence, discipline, motivation

This element represents heat, light, digestion, metabolism, and transformation.

When our inner flames are stoked, fire provides energy for the body. This element fuels our sense of independence and motivation. We know our fire is in balance when we easily tap into all the emotions associated with power: inner strength, confidence, discipline, motivation, and change. When it’s off-kilter, we may feel irritable or angry, or experience inflammation, digestive problems, or fever.

Warm your body regularly with physical exercise, saunas and steam rooms can help relieve both physical and emotional tension. Reconnect to the fire element with practice like Kappalabhati breath. The ‘shining skull’ breath is a powerful way to boost the digestive fire, as well as helping stimulate the mind and body. Tratak or ‘candle gazing’ is a traditional and meditative way to keep this chakra calm and balanced

Air Element (Vayu)

4th heart chakra -sense of relationship, boundaries, balance - loving and compassionate awareness, intellect, lightheartedness

Air represents all forms of motion, including blood circulation, breath, thoughts, and locomotion. When in balance, air gives off light and a sense of buoyancy; when it’s askew, it can show up as anxiety and indecision. It may cause an inability to be present, or create conflict in relationships. An air imbalance can cause disruptions in your immune system or hormone production.

Methods used in ‘nature therapy’ is to simply tune into the sensations of nature around you. pause for a moment and notice feelings on your skin, how the air is moving plants, leaves and clouds and tune in to subtle sounds. As you wake, focus on the breath intently, observe every fine detail of your own breath in this meditation and if your mind wanders, kindly return it back to your point of focus.


Ether or Space Element (Akasha)

5th throat chakra —sense of acceptance, truth, communication, integrity - spacious, universal consciousness

The most subtle of the elements, ether is all about space and openness. This element governs the spaces of the body, including the space inside our cells. When ether is unbalanced, it can create blockages: Energetically, we may feel closed off, or as if we can’t get enough time or space. When ether is in balance it allows for clear, truthful expression and communication.

When you wake, walks in the sunlight has innumerable benefits. Shifting attention between the body and the space around us can help bring about a sense of being more connected to the world around us. Body-scan meditations and guided relaxation can give the mind a break from stress and chatter. Rasie your vibration with mantra, theta sound waves or binural beats. Practicing Brahmari Pranayama or ‘humming bee breath’ is a great way to connect with akasha and calm and harmonize both the body and the mind.

I Loved using multiple mandalas on one mural and next up is the slightly smaller/ simpler version of the main 'Elements mandala'

Torus Mandala - "I love how clear the sacred geometry symbol 'Torus' is in the centre."

The torus is found in everything from atoms, to life forms and even in all cosmic bodies such as stars and galaxies. It's a primary shape in existence.

The human aura appears as a series of nested torus formations around the body. Energy flows through the centre of the body and loops around to connect the feet and head. The Torus explains a cycle - how something starts as a descent from spirit, through a central channel in one direction before it doubles back on itself, returning to its source. This process occurs in all objects in existence. When our human existence is functioning correctly, and we are cycling energy in a toroidal fashion, we are in balance, and are satisfied with our actions

(although we may be aspiring to achieve something, we are content with the process we are undertaking). These cycles help guide all things in the universe to work through an experience in a balanced, compassionate way in which both spirit and matter are in harmony.

Through my artwork, especially pieces like this mural, I hope to inspire a sense of connection between our selves and the scared teachings of yoga in an immersive, positive way.

Thank you for reading Beautiful Soul. May these teaching guide and inspire you. xx

- Find Akasha Studio here - - Find Beautiful Soul Mandalas here -


BRING JOY TO YOUR SPACE Professional Art prints, Wall Murals, Mandalas, Framed work, originals, custom designs and More.

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